Future Workforce Needs for South Australia

Insights from Stakeholder Consultation: Preliminary Phase One Findings

Phase One of the research into ‘Future Workforce Needs for South Australia’ has been released in draft form, providing preliminary findings from stakeholder consultation undertaken. The Report includes a description of the stakeholder consultation process and a summary of findings from an industry and regional perspective, including a case study of the District Council of Cleve.

Labour scarcity is a critical issue for businesses in metropolitan and regional areas of South Australia (SA). As statistics vary widely between industries, understanding the problem is an important step in identifying potential solutions. While migration provides access to a substantial source of labour, its potential to address labour scarcity and its consequences should be adequately understood to inform migration policy design that benefits SA.

While quality research has been undertaken at the national level to inform policy design, little attention has been given to the distributional effects of changes to national policy on the less populated states and regional areas. This research seeks to understand the detrimental impact of ignoring these distributional effects on SA.

The research is designed to build an understanding of the problems, identify potential solutions, and
model the possible outcomes for the South Australian economy. In addition, it will identify gaps in
data collection and articulate issues directly (e.g. application process for accessing international labour)
and indirectly (e.g. infrastructure requirements such as housing, child care, etc.) linked to migration and
migration policy.

The attached report provides the preliminary draft findings from Phase One of the research. It builds on the understanding of the problem, identifies solutions, and informs the design of the approach to Phase two. Phase two models and describes the possible outcomes for SA’s economy.

View the preliminary findings of Phase One here:

Future Workforce Needs for SA -_Insights from Stakeholder Consultation

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